Intuitive Alignment with Eliza

Are you ready to breakthrough old patterns and step into your worth? This is the alchemical process and it requires being with our deepest wounds so they can be transformed with love into our greatest gifts.

Eliza (AHA founder) is here as a guide to hold space for your process and support you to embody your Truth.

Maybe you’re not quite sure exactly what you’re needing right now. An energetic cord is tugging at you and you’re looking for a way to process, release, upgrade, shift, and anchor.

Drawing on a massive toolbox Eliza may pull cards, offer somatic guidance, move energy with massage, reiki or tuning forks, and generally hold space for what is most needed to honor your growth on all levels in an integrated, grounded, and multi-dimensional way.

I look forward to holding space for you to step into your fullest self with grace and ease.